Careers in Global Sustainable Development

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ETH4D Career Lunches: Careers in Sustainability and Global Development
Every semester, ETH4D organises a Career Lunch for ETH students to learn about career paths in sustainability and global development from ETH alumni and other professionals from different lines of work. The event consist of a panel discussion and an exchange in smaller groups. A light lunch is provided.
Next edition: 4 March, 12:15-14:00
- Lilian Haymann - Senior Business Analyst, Planted Foods
- Dr. Omar Kassab - Head of Private Sector Engagement, Swisscontact
- Dr. Nilkanth Kumar - Senior Data Officer, IMPACT Initiatives
- Max Morel - Senior Lecturer, ETH NADEL Center for Development and Cooperation
- Laura Stocco - Co-founder and CMO, openversum
- Prof. Fabienne Hoelzel, Professor of Urban Design at Stuttgart State Academy of Art and Design & Founding-Director of FABULOUS URBAN
- Stefan Kappeler, Partner and Chief Operating Officer at elea
- Pauline Koelbl, Founder & Managing Partner/CEO AfriProspect and ShEquity
- Rupa Mukerji, Director of the Advisory Services Department at Helvetas, Senior Advisor on adaptation to climate change
- Philippe Reymond, Sanitation Expert, UNHCR & Board Member, VaLoo
- Dr. Philipp Staudacher, Head of Portfolio, Innovation 4 Nature
- Oskar Jönsson, Co-Lead of Factory Project / Commercial Project Manager, gebana
- Danny Nef, Programme Officer, Development Projects, Biovision Foundation
- Adina Rom, Executive Director, ETH4D
- José Vila-Belda, Senior Consultant, Gorman Consulting
- Thao Ton-That Whelan, GIS and Remote Sensing Analyst, International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC)
- Maria Fernanda Contreras del Valle, Junior Officer for the "Greening the Financial System Initiative" at WWF
- Patrick Elmer, Founder & CEO at iGravity
- Ursina Krähenmann, Innovation, Research & Development Director at Koa
- Dr. Vikas Patil, Project Engineer at Synhelion
- Oriana Ponta, Education Program Director at UBS Optimus and Lecturer at ZHAW
- Smita Nakhooda, Head of Impact & ESG, Thomas Lloyd Group
- Christoph Sutter, Co-Founder and Chairman, emost
- Stefanie Kägi, Senior Project Manager Climate Protection - Net Zero Emissions , City of Zurich
- Josephine Pratiwi, Sustainability Consultant, Quantis
- Medinat Malefakis, Senior Lecturer, NADEL - Center for Development & Cooperation
- Raschida Bouhouch, Medical Doctor, Limmattal Hospital
- Jasmine Neve, Senior Lecturer, Nadel - Center for Development and Cooperation
- Shaillee Pradhan, Senior Sustainability Manager, Swiss Re
- Patrick Stadler, Senior Management / Charity Mentor, Charity Entrepreneurship
- Gabriela Blatter, Principal Policy Advisor, Swiss Federal Office for the Environment
ETH4D and ETH NADEL offer regular office hours for students seeking advice on careers in the global development sector. Dr. Adina Rom (ETH4D) and Jasmine Neve (NADEL) will be there to answer your questions.
The office hours take place online in a small group setting.
The next Career Office Hour will take place online on Wednesday, April 2, from 12:00-13:00.
Please send an email to if you want to register.
Travel Grants for Internships in Low- and Middle-Income Countries
ETH4D offers a limited number of travel stipends for ETH students that conduct an internship with an NGO in a low- or middle-income country. Grants cover travel costs to and from the location of your internship, visa costs as well as costs for vaccines/travel first aid (in case your health insurance does not cover these costs). The maximum sum is CHF 3000.
- Your are a student at ETH Zurich
- You have been accepted for an internship in a country that is on the OECD external page DAC list
- You have successfully applied to the SEMP programme, which provides a monthly stipend for living expenses. Applications to the SEMP programme have to be handed in 2 months prior to the start of your internship.
For questions, please contact .
Tutoring Positions at AIMS
The African Institute for Mathematical Sciences (AIMS) is looking for excellent Master students and graduates to teach and support gifted students from across Africa in mathematics, statistics and computer science at AIMS Centres in South Africa, Senegal, Ghana, Cameroon and Rwanda. Find out more about AIMS.
Who can apply?: Students with Master's degree in one of the mathematical sciences
Swiss Centre of Competence for International Cooperation (cinfo)
If you are interested in a career in global sustainable development, check out what the Swiss Centre of Competence for International Cooperation (cinfo) has to offer. cinfo coordinates and connects professionals with international cooperation organisations on behalf of the Swiss Confederation to ensure that the right people in the right places contribute to the SDGs. The offer a job portal, networking events, career advice and more.
ETH Career Center
For support and advice on all aspects of the transition from studies to the working environment, please also get in touch with the ETH Career Center. They provide you with the information you need, both in person and at special events and seminars, and open up valuable contacts for you, working closely with other organisations offering careers services at ETH.
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