Internship Travel Grants

Travel Grants for Internships with NGOs in Low- and Middle-Income Countries

ETH4D offers a limited number of travel stipends for ETH students that conduct an internship with an NGO in a low- or middle-income country. Grants cover travel costs to and from the location of your internship, visa costs as well as costs for vaccines/travel first aid (in case your health insurance does not cover these costs). The maximum sum is CHF 3000. 


  • Your are a student at ETH Zurich
  • You have been accepted for an internship in a country that is on the OECD external page DAC list
  • You have successfully applied to the SEMP programme, which provides a monthly stipend for living expenses. Applications to the SEMP programme have to be handed in 2 months prior to the start of your internship.

For questions, please contact .

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