FAQ ETH4D Research Challenges
General questions
- Travel and accommodation costs
- Material and equipment costs
- Salaries of staff or consultants in low- or middle- income countries hired specifically for this project
- Salaries of research assistants, postdocs and doctoral students in Switzerland
- Salaries for student assistants at ETH specifically hired for the ETH4D Research Challenge for a maximum of 6 months
Cash contribution:
- Travel and accommodation costs
- Material and equipment costs
- Wages of student assistants at ETH Zurich hired specifically for the ETH4D Research Challenge for a maximum of 6 months
- Salaries of staff or consultants in low- or middle- income countries hired specifically for this project, such as translators
- Salaries of doctorate and post-doctorate researchers
In-kind contribution:
- Salaries and time contribution of participating ETH doctoral students and research assistants (salaries of ETH professors do NOT count towards matching funds)
- Overheads such as infrastructure costs
The ETH4D Committee for Research Challenges evaluates submitted project proposals based on their quality, feasibility, relevance, applicability, team qualifications and diversity as well as own financial and in-kind contributions. You may find the list of Committee members here.
For ETH Zurich research groups
Due to financial and controlling procedures, ETH4D is only able to transfer the full grant sum to the grant recipient after the completion of the research project and after all the deliverables* have been delivered. Grant recipients will be reimbursed for all expenses up to the full granted amount awarded.
* these deliverables are required max. 3 months after project completion:
- present progress at the ETH4D Research Challenge Seminar (preferrably during the project)
- 1-2 page scientific report
- financial report
- one of the following deliverables:
o A prototype of a new product or service
o A short video that explains the project to a non-scientific audience
o An article in the ETH Zukunftsblog (or other ETH outlet)
o A policy brief that presents the findings to a non-scientific audience
For non-academic partners
For the moment we do not provide match-making services. Please look at our list of members to find a relevant research group for your research question and approach them on your behalf.