Humanitarian Action Fellowship

Copyright: ICRC/Dorothée Baumann/06.08.2010/Caption: Geneva, ICRC headquarters./Reference: V-P-BAT-E-00188

Goal of the Humanitarian Action Fellowship (HAF)

As part of the external page Engineering for Humanitarian Action Initiative (EHA) initiative, the goal of the Humanitarian Action Fellowship is to explore joint research ideas between ETH Zurich, EPFL and the external page International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) or to support the ICRC to pilot, use or scale research findings from completed external page Humanitarian Action Challenges (HAC) projects. 

ETH4D and the external page EssentialTech Centre (ETC) coordinate and organize the Humanitarian Action Fellowship (HAF). This includes support with matchmaking between ETH/EPFL researchers and ICRC members. As HAF fellows, PhD students or PostDocs from ETH Zurich or EPFL can work at ICRC offices for a duration of 2-6 months. If the fellowship is part of an accepted external page Stream II project (Implementation & Testing), the duration can be extended to 1 year.

During the time of the fellowship, the fellow can:

  • Explore ideas for future research collaborations between ETH/EPFL and ICRC (exploratory fellowship)
  • Implement and test technologies or support the ICRC to use or scale results from a completed Humanitarian Action Challenge (HAC) project (as part of a Stream II project)

Financial support: The fellowship covers 70% of the fellow's' salary while the remaining 30% needs to be covered by his/her research group

Project duration: 2 - 6 months. If the fellowship is part of an accepted Stream II project, the duration can be extended to 1 year

Required application documents: 

Eligibility: The fellow should be a PhD student, a PostDoc or scientific assistant I/II from ETH Zurich and should have the endorsement of their professor/supervisor.

Connect with the ICRC: If you have a specific interest, we can help you identify suitable partners at the ICRC. For more information please reach out to Salome Räuschel. 

Please consult the Download Humanitarian Action Fellowship Guidelines (PDF, 81 KB) before applying.

All application documents must be written in English and can be sent electronically (in one single PDF file) to Salome Räuschel () via email.

The Humanitarian Action Fellowship is part of the external page Engineering for Humanitarian Action (EHA) Initiative.

Applications can be submitted on a rolling basis.

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