Doctoral Students
Engineering for Development (E4D) Doctoral Projects - Ongoing
The goal of the Engineering for Development (E4D) Programme is to promote research and education for the benefit of underprivileged people in low-income countries.

Jonathan Olal Ogwang
Dissertation Project:
Enhancing Anaerobic Digestion Systems for Sustainable Waste Management and Sanitation

Joshi Prabhat (Eawag)
Dissertation Project:
Exploring pluvial flood risks and mitigation optons in low-income, data-scarce regions

Mosisa Wakjira
Dissertation Project:
The Future of Rainfed Agriculture and Sustainable Food Production in Ethiopia

Helena Ström
Dissertation Project:
Biochar as a soil amendment for sustainable yam systems in West Africa (Biochar4Yam)
Engineering for Development (E4D) Doctoral Projects - Completed
- Shanker Barsila, Yaks and their crossbreds: effects of stocking density, pasture site and altitude on performance, behavior and metabolic adaptation in the Himalayan Mountains of Nepal (2014)
- Ima Zainuddin, Investigation of Natural Tolerance to Post-Harvest Physiological Deterioration and Development of Methods to Prolong Shelf-Life of Cassava Storage Roots (2016)
- Alireza Javadian, Composite Bamboo and its Application as Reinforcement in Structural Concrete (2017)
- Samuel Ndungu, Characterization and Screening of Indigenous Rhizobia as Potential Inoculants to Enhance Cowpea (2017)
- Lindsay Howe, Thinking through Peripheries: Structural Spatial Inequality in Johannesburg (2017)
- Andrea Hagn, Politicising the Urban. The Politics of Slum Re-Development in the Temple City of Puri, Odisha (2018)
- Christian Andres, Transdisciplinary Systems Research to Reduce the Cocoa Swollen Shoot Virus Disease in Ghana (2018)
- Ngoc Minh Pham, A Rapid Point-of-Care Test for Malaria Diagnostics in Elimination Settings (2018)
- Daniela Paganini, A New Micronutrient Powder Combining a Low Dose of Highly-Bioavailable Iron and Galacto-Oligosaccharides for Fortification of Infant Foods in Africa (2018)
- Michelle Nay, Angular Leaf Spot and Ascochyta Disease Resistance in Common Bean - Characterization and Application for Breeding (2019)
- Moritz Gold, Towards more efficient biowaste utilization with black soldier fly larvae to produce more sustainable animal feed (2020)
- Dorothee Spuhler, Generation and evaluation of sanitation options for urban planning: systematic consideration of technology innovations and sustainability criteria (2020)
- Kanika Dheman, Paediatric dehydration in South Africa (2021)
- Rebecca Enesi, Enabling sustainable cassava root and starch yield increase through scheduled planting/harvesting and appropriate smallholder mechanization (2022)
- Barbara Jeanne Ward, Settling and Dewatering of Fecal Sludge: Building Fundamental Knowledge for Improved Global Sanitation (2022)
- Churchill Agutu, The Role of Technology, Finance, and Policy in Enabling Electricity Access in Sub-Saharan Africa (2023)
Doctoral Projects of the ETH4D Network - Ongoing
Inequality & Discrimination, Sanitation in Low-Income Settlements

Dario Meili
- Development Economics Group (DEC)
- Project Page Inequality & Discrimination
- Project Page Sanitation in Low-Income Settlements
Doctoral Projects of the ETH4D Network - Completed
- Selina Silvia Bezzola, The consequences of Corporate Social Responsibilities for mining communities in Africa (2020)
- Elisa Calamita, Modelling the effects of large dams on water quality in tropical rivers (2020)
- Karla Saldaña Ochoa, Event Protocols: Enhancing Disaster Response with Architectonic Capabilities by Leveraging Machine and Human Intelligence Interplay (2021)
- Mary Uyoga, Novel strategies to improve iron intake in African infants: effects on anemia and vaccine efficacy (2021)
- Giulia Celentano, The regenerative development potential of the construction sector in the informal city: the cases of Bangkok, Nairobi and Cape Town (2021)
- Anugrah Ilahi, Activity Based Model (ABM) approaches for sustainable cities (2021)
- David Kostenwein, Between Walls and Fences: How Gated Communities in Bogotá Shape Exclusive and Insecure Public Spaces Outside the Gates (2021)
- David Kretzer, Incremental light space. Reducing socio-technical night-time public space inequality in Bogotá through lighting technology and design for informal settlements (2021)
- Philipp Staudacher, Smallholder pesticide use: Preventing health effects with the right information (2021)
- Stephanie Briers, Infrastructures of Freedom: Public light and everynight life in 'Informal Settlements' (2021)
- Yael Borofsky, Night in the Informal City: How Limited Public Infrastructure Shapes Life After Dark in Informal Settlements (2022)
- Antoinette van der Merwe, Towards responsible gold supply chains: A case study from Burkina Faso to Switzerland (2022)
- Olivier Gröninger, Local manufacturing of drinking water filters in low and middle-income countries (2022)
- Cristina Dominguez, Estimating the electricity demand of rural households to improve energy access planning in developing countries (2022)
- Désirée Ruppen, Effective Monitoring Strategies for Mining-Related Water Pollution (2022)
- Abishek Narayan, Planning Citywide Inclusive Sanitation in India (2022)
- Kathrin Durizzo, Towards Universal Health Coverage in sub-Saharan Africa: The need for inclusive, sustainable, and resilient health systems (2023)