Call for proposals: junior research for humanitarian contexts
The Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) of the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs (FDFA) is looking for young researchers to present innovative ideas related to the emergency realm (migration, protection of persons, conflicts, natural disasters, etc.) in any major domain of the humanitarian field. Application deadline: 2nd February 2020.

More information here:
Download Call for proposals (PDF, 277 KB)
Submit your proposal to by 2nd February 2020.
In order to foster future collaborations with Swiss higher education schools, the Humanitarian Aid of Switzerland will invite few young scientists/researcher of the Swiss Academia to their Annual Conference on the 27th March 2020 in Baden. Here, participants will have the opportunity to present their innovative ideas, expressly designed to tackle any practical problem related to the emergency realm (natural disasters, conflicts, migration contexts etc.), in any major domain of the humanitarian field. During and after this event several exchanges with humanitarian experts will be scheduled to deepen the dialogue, to support and to elaborate further possibilities. Senior researchers of the Swiss Universities will also accompany the young scientists/researchers.
- Junior Researcher affiliated to a Swiss academic institution (Master, PhD, Postdoc, other junior researcher).
- Age < 30 years.
- Topics: any innovative idea aimed at improving the humanitarian intervention in the domains of WASH (Water, Sanitation and Hygiene), Protection, Disaster Risk Reduction and Environment, Health, Shelter and Construction.
- Submission of proposals upon invitation by senior researcher using the dedicated A4 single page form: to be sent to, deadline Monday 2nd February 2020.
- All proposals will be evaluated for eligibility criteria.
- Heads of specialized groups and the Specialists of the Humanitarian Aid Department will select 5‐7 proposals to be presented during the event and to be deepen during and after with humanitarian experts.
- Representation of different schools, linguistic areas and gender will be taken into account.