ETH4D Research Challenges: Special call to respond to COVID-19 outbreak on the African continent
These are difficult times for many people around the globe and we are particularly worried about the consequences of Covid-19 for people in low-income countries. ETH4D therefore announces a special call for ETH4D Research Challenges that helps to prevent the spread of an infectious disease in African countries or to mitigate their negative impact on people’s health or livelihoods.
The research questions for this special call must help to address the prevention of a spread of an infectious disease in African countries or help to mitigate the negative impact of a pandemic/epidemic on people’s health or livelihoods living on the African continent. A focus on the current Coronavirus - COVID-19 crisis is encouraged, but not required.
Grant sum: 10 - 50 kCHF
Matching Funds: The applicant and/or project partners must provide 50% of the requested grant sum in the form of cash contributions.
Project duration: 6 - 18 months
Eligible partner countries: Low- and middle-income countries (external page OECD/DAC-LIST 2018-2020). Preference will be given to low-income countries.
Application deadline: 17 May 2020.
More information on eligibility and requirements can be found here