An inspiring career with global impact

Dr. Gnanli Landrou grew up in a clay house in Togo. Today he combines know-how from his home country with what he learned in his doctoral degree at ETH to develop a building material for the future: cement-free concrete that is both eco-friendly and low-cost. His story is just one of many illustrating why embracing and encouraging diversity is key for the success of any forward-looking institution that wants to excel in innovation.

Dr. Gnanli Landrou

Dr. Gnanli Landrou is an ETH pioneer fellow and the co-founder of the ETH spin-off external page Oxara. He also serves on the ETH4D external advisory board

Read about his inspiring career in this Download article (PDF, 1.1 MB), which was published in the NZZ on July 19, 2020.


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