AI for Sustainability: ETH meets Digital Festival Zurich

Artificial Intelligence holds great promise to contribute to a more sustainable future. At the “AI for Sustainability” session at this year’s Digital Festival Zurich, the audience heard experts from ETH Zurich and industry explain how they use AI to solve global challenges. In smaller group discussions, participants could ask questions and exchange ideas.
Congratulations! Dr. Michelle Nay has won the SFIAR PhD Award

Dr. Michelle Nay, a former E4D Doctoral Scholarship fellow, has won the SFIAR PhD Award for her project "Improving smallholder farmers’ food security through disease resistant common beans".
Stay Safe: ETH researchers, together with the IFRC, co-develop a guide for safety and health on reconstruction sites

Researchers from the Chair of Sustainable Construction, together with colleagues from the IFRC-Shelter Research Unit, developed guidelines for safety and health on small post-disaster reconstructions. The guide covers a diverse range of information, addressing project managers, professional staff, local staff, and volunteers, and it aims to provide the basic knowledge to protect the workers on site.