Take-Off Event Ashesi-ETH Master in Engineering
Creating space for collaborative learning where future leaders can draw from different skills and perspectives is key for sustainable development. On 13 October 2020, together with Ashesi University in Ghana and five industrial partners, we celebrated the take-off of the Ashesi-ETH Master in Engineering. This collaborative initiative aims at bringing about highly educated engineers in Africa to ensure sustainable patterns of development for both Ghana and Africa.

Prof. Sarah Springman, Rector of ETH Zurich, opened the event, emphasising the embeddedness of the initiative within ETH Zurich and its commitment to global sustainable development.
The event was attended by 40 people at ETH Zurich and 700 people online via Livestream.
Virtually present from Ghana, Dr. Patrick Awuah, Founder and President of Ashesi University and Prof. Angela Owusu-Ansah, Provost of Ashesi University, highlighted how this initiative can be part of tackling the grand challenges and taking advantages of the opportunities existing in sub-Saharan Africa. Moreover, they took the opportunity to appreciate the truly collaborative nature of the initiative and its alignment with Ashesi’s vision and mission.
“For the last 18 months the Ashesi-ETH team have met every week to design a joint Master's Programme in Engineering to educate the future leaders in sustainable development.” Prof. Angela Owusu-Ansha, Provost Ashesi University
The collaboration between ETH Zurich and Ashesi University will not only bring about excellent educated engineers but also allow the universities to learn from each other. In this regard, Prof. Springman appreciated the diversity at Ashesi University including their gender balance.
Following this, H.E. Ramses Joseph Clealand, Ghana’s Ambassador to Switzerland, and H.E. Philipp Stalder, Switzerland’s Ambassador to Ghana, emphasised the importance of the initiative for the diplomatic relationship between Ghana and Switzerland.
The programme itself was presented by Dr. Nathan Amanquah, Dean of Engineering at Ashesi Unversity, as well as Prof. Melanie Zeilinger and Prof. Edoardo Mazza from the Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering at ETH Zurich. Initially, the three-year Master’s programme will consist of a Master of Science (MSc) from Ashesi University and a Master of Advanced Studies (MAS) from ETH Zurich. During the collaborative phase of the programme, students will experience tandem teaching block courses, which will rely on the physical presence of ETH faculty at the Ashesi campus. Ultimately, the collaboration will result in a standalone two-year MSc programme that Ashesi University can run sustainably after ETH Zurich’s involvement ends.
Dr. Amanquah took this opportunity to thank the industry partners Bühler Group, ABB Group, Lafarge Holcim, Nestlé and Barry Callebaut, who were closely involved in the development of the collaboration, which further makes this initiative stand out from others. They not only provide financial support but also mentorships, internships and professional perspectives, as well as help define programme content in consideration of market requirements. Spokespersons of each industry partner had the chance to express their motivation behind the partnership and excitement for the initiative.
Members of the audience then had the chance to ask questions to both the industry partners and the project team. The team stressed that scholarships supported by the industrial partners will allow selecting the best students on the continent based on their merit rather than their financial means.
The event was wrapped up with closing remarks by Ashesi Provost Prof. Owusu-Ansah and ETH Zurich Rector Prof. Springman: "We will now work exceptionally hard to find talent and to develop talent."
We are very excited to see the programme become reality!
Take-Off Event Ashesi-ETH Master’s in Engineering

Prof. Dr. Sarah M. Springman, Rector, ETH Zürich
Prof. Dr. Angela Owusu-Ansah, Provost, Ashesi University
Dr. Patrick Awuah, Founder and President, Ashesi University
His Excellency Mr. Ramses Joseph Cleland, Ghanaian ambassador to Switzerland
His Excellency Mr. Philipp Stalder, Swiss ambassador to Ghana
Dr. Nathan Amanquah, Dean of Engineering, Ashesi University
Prof. Dr. Melanie Zeilinger, ETH Zürich Professor of Intelligent Control Systems
Prof. Dr. Edoardo Mazza, ETH Zürich Professor of Mechanics
Mr. Richard Nkrumah, Operational Manager, Team Ghana, Barry Callebaut
Mr. Milos Miric, Regional Head of Human Resources, Middle East Africa, Lafarge Holcim
Ms. Carolina Granat, Global Head of People Development, ABB Group
Mr. Christian Schmid, Technical Manager, Nestlé
Mr. Abdelmajid Touzani, Regional Manager for Western Africa, Bühler Group
Dr. Adina Rom, Executive Director, ETH for Development
Kobbina Awuah, PhD Student in Economics, University of Zurich
For more information on the joint Master's programme check out the interview with Dr. Johann van der Merwe discussing what is on offer for stakeholders involved.