Exhibition Opening: Together for the SDGs
On 3 November 2021, more than 80 guests celebrated the opening of the exhibition "Together for the SDGs" in the main hall of ETH Zurich. They listened to inspiring speeches by ETH Rector Prof. Sarah Springman, Nicolas Radin, Frank Odhiambo and Prof. Isabel Günther and took the opportunity to discuss with ETH researchers and students committed to the Sustainable Development Goals.

How can we fight global poverty and inequality, protect the planet and ensure that by 2030 all people enjoy peace and prosperity? What contribution can Switzerland make? And how can universities, such as ETH Zurich, contribute to a more inclusive and sustainable future?
The exhibition "Together for the SDGs," which is on view in the ETH Zurich main building between October 30 and November 13, explores these questions from both artistic and academic perspectives. Besides 17 unique artworks representing the 17 goals, the exhibition shows a selection of projects from the ETH community that contribute to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. On 3 November, more than 80 people gathered in the ETH main hall to celebrate the opening of the exhibition.
ETH Zurich Rector Prof. Sarah Springman opened the event with inspiring words on the role of universities in achieving the SDGs in collaboration with international partners. As outstanding examples, she mentioned the collaborative Master’s Programme in Mechatronic Engineering between ETH Zurich and Ashesi University in Ghana and the initiative “Engineering for Humanitarian Action” between ETH Zurich, EPFL, and the ICRC.
Nicolas Randin, head of the Analysis and Policy division at the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation, brought the perspective of the Swiss government and emphasized the tremendous progress we have already made in recent years and how universities can contribute.
Frank Odhiambo, a doctoral student at the development economics group at ETH Zurich, reminded the audience of the stark global inequalities that continue to exist despite impressive progress. This is why he dedicated his career to addressing and reducing these inequalities, currently through his doctoral research examining the impact of technology on education outcomes and well-being of learners with disabilities in Kenya.
In her speech, Prof. Isabel Günther, professor of Development Economics at ETH Zurich, identified global inequality and increasing greenhouse gas emissions as the two greatest challenges of our time that are very much interlinked: Over the last 25 years, the richest 10% of the world population emitted 50% of CO2 emissions, while the poorest 50% percent emitted only 10%. More international cooperation is needed to meet these global challenges, she emphasized with a quote by famous ETH alumnus Albert Einstein:
“Nothing truly valuable can be achieved except by the unselfish cooperation of many individuals.”
At the opening event, visitors had the opportunity not only to view the posters in the exhibition but also to talk to the researchers and students behind the projects presented - an opportunity that was actively used and continued at the Apéro.
With the exhibition, the organisers – ETH4D, ETH Sustainability, the Nadel - Center for Development and Cooperation and the World Food System Center – hope to further inspire action and promote collaboration towards the Sustainable Development Goals at ETH and beyond.
We thank all speakers and participants for this wonderful event.
Exhibition Opening "Together for the SDGs"
About the exhibition "Together for the SDGs"
The exhibition approaches the Sustainable Development Goals from an artistic and academic perspective. In 17 unique images, photographer Dario Lanfranconi addresses the question of what contribution Switzerland can make to achieving the SDGs. The images make us think about the fact that we are all connected globally and bear responsibility for each other. The images were commissioned by the Swiss Agency for Development Cooperation.
As a leading technical university, ETH Zurich has the responsibility and the possibilities to develop innovative solutions for the challenges facing humanity. Besides the artistic images, the exhibition shows a selection of projects and initiatives at ETH that contribute to reaching the SDGs. Visitors can learn about researchers and students who are working on solutions for a sustainable food system, using artificial intelligence to improve humanitarian operations, or researching ways to tackle climate change and ocean pollution.