Meet Visiting Scientist Dr. Dario Sánchez
Dr. Dario Sanchez visited the Chair of Seismic Design and Analysis at ETH Zurich to exchange knowledge on topics related to low cost seismic design, and more particularly to low cost seismic isolation systems.
Dr. Dario Candebat Sánchez

I am a Cuban civil engineer, Head of the Earthquake Engineering group of the National Center for Seismological Research (CENAIS) and Professor at “Universidad de Oriente”. My work has always been related to the risk and vulnerability assessment as well as to the seismic retrofitting of buildings and bridges. My visit to the Chair of Seismic Design and Analysis of the ETH Zurich was intended to exchange knowledge on topics related to low cost seismic design, and more particularly to low cost seismic isolation systems. As part of my research stay I participated in the manufacturing and testing of low cost seismic isolation systems to be used in low rise buildings and I performed a preliminary design on a masonry structure to be seismically isolated. I also participated as an auditor in the Seismic and vibration isolation course.