ETH4D will be present at these events
Drag the System: Redesigning Food for a Cooler Planet
2 December 2024, 17:30-19:00, followed by an Apéro
ETH food&lab, CAB Building, H 41, Universitätsstrasse 6
Join us for Drag the System, an event jointly organised by ETH4D and the Student Sustainability Committee. The event brings together art and science to explore the impacts of animal agriculture on climate, human and animal lives, and discuss pathways to a sustainable, equitable food system for the future. Featuring a performance by performance artist Soya the Cow, followed by a panel discussion with ETH experts in plant-based food innovations, deforestation and climate change, we look forward to an evening of inspiration and meaningful dialogue.
ETH4D Lunch
Every first Monday of the month at noon.
Find more information about the ETH4D Lunch here.