Congratulations Gnanli Landrou and Oxara Team

The pioneer fellow and ETH alumn Dr. Gnanli Landrou wins the "together we're better" award from the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) with his ETH spin-off Oxara. His project addresses dignified, affordable housing in Rwanda by upcycling construction waste in a sustainable way. ETH4D congratulates Gnanli and his team for this well deserved price!

Project Winner Gnanli Landrou
Project Winner Gnanli Landrou

A six-member jury composed of representatives of the SDC, SECO, NGOs and sustainable development actors selected the winning projects. The award ceremony took place on 21 June 2019 at the Annual Conference of Swiss Development Cooperation in Fribourg. Oxara was one of the external page five winning projects.

Category: Think globally, act locally, prize: 10’000 CHF

Oxara – Healthy and Affordable floors for local Rwandans

In Rwanda 75% of families live in dirty homes due to lack of good floors. At the ETH-Spin-off external page Oxara one of the doctorates - Gnanli Landrou - developed a solution that consists of using the landfill waste (excavation materials) that is locally available to produce a poured earth concrete. The idea, developed at ETH Zurich, is simple and competitive to concrete. Oxara poured earth concrete has all the advantages of concrete but it is 2.5 times cheaper and 20 times more eco-friendly.


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