Interview: Antoinette van der Merwe on artisanal mining in Burkina Faso

While most of the world’s gold is extracted by industrial mines, about 20 percent is produced by millions of artisanal miners trying to make a living by mining gold with only basic tools and methods. This includes the use of toxic chemicals like mercury. In this interview, Antoinette van der Merwe talks about her research into miners’ knowledge of working with mercury and use of protective gear in Burkina Faso.
Second Call for Proposals: ETH4D Humanitarian Action Challenges

The goal of the ETH4D Humanitarian Action Challenges is to support project-based research between ETH Zurich researchers, EPFL researchers and the ICRC to leverage science and technology for a greater impact of humanitarian action. Applications are now open until 15 July (17.00 CEST).