Second Call for Proposals: ETH4D Humanitarian Action Challenges
The goal of the ETH4D Humanitarian Action Challenges is to support project-based research between ETH Zurich researchers, EPFL researchers and the ICRC to leverage science and technology for a greater impact of humanitarian action. Applications are now open until 15 July (17.00 CEST).

Humanitarian organisations in general and the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) in particular are facing immense challenges in the 21st century. In 2019, 216 million people needed humanitarian assistance in 69 countries. Extreme climate events, such as floods, storms and droughts, are on the rise, thereby increasing the vulnerability of people already suffering from conflict. Therefore, ETH Zurich and EPFL are joining forces with the ICRC to explore innovative solutions to such crises.
Scope: Proposals need to address a clearly defined research question that has the objective of increasing the impact of humanitarian action. Humanitarian Action Challenges must develop, test, evaluate or implement an innovative product, policy or service – involving a technology that responds to a specific humanitarian challenge.
Main Eligibility Criteria: The team must consist of at least one main applicant from ETH who holds a PhD, and at least one partner from the ICRC.
- It is encouraged (but not mandatory) to have one partner from a low- or middle income country and a partner from EPFL. Partners from the entire ETH Domain (PSI, WSL, Empa, and Eawag) and other humanitarian institutions are welcome to join as co-applicants.
Grant Sum: 50 - 600 kCHF
Matching Funds: The main applicant and potential co-applicants from the ETH domain (excluding EPFL) must provide matching funds corresponding to at least 25% of the requested grant. Matching funds can come from third-parties , professorship reserves or base funding. Staff costs of doctoral students, post-docs and research assistants in Switzerland that are not funded by the grant count as matching funds.
Project Duration: 6 - 24 months
Applications are now open until 15 July 2021. Find more information here.