Meet ETH4D Doctoral Mentee Christopher Kanyesigye
Through the ETH4D Mentorship Programme Christopher Kanyesigye is collaborating with Dr. Sara Marks, EAWAG on his doctoral project on the evaluation of the effectiveness of Water Safety Plan implementation in small towns of Uganda.

Christopher Kanyesigye holds a degree in Chemistry and Geology from Makerere University and a Masters in Environmental Science and Technology from IHE Delft. As a water supply quality and safety specialist he manages research and development at the National Water & Sewerage Corporation, Uganda. His doctoral research project evaluates the effectiveness of Water Safety Plan (WSPs) implementation in small towns of Uganda. As WSPs have not been fully implemented in many countries due to lack of knowledge of their impacts his study is based on the need to determine whether WSPs can result in clear benefits that can trigger by-in of utility leaders.
With the ETH4D mentorship Christopher expects to be exposed to experienced professional researchers. He hopes to improve his data analysis and writing skills for paper publishing. He is also excited about the many activities planned for his research stay at ETH Zurich, inlcuding:
- Data preparation, analysis methods using recommended software such as Excel and SPSS
- Learning and exposure to methods of paper publishing, effective information sharing, access to relevant published journal papers, book chapters, conference proceedings and news letters
- Development and improvement of presentation skills
- Dissemination of research results in international conferences
- Sharing of research challenges, methods and outputs with other PhD students
- Modern library access and use techniques